Learn how to hide and unhide any file in windows by command prompt method:
This method of hiding file is very easy and effective. Many of you probably already know this method but many of you dont, so in todays HOW-TO-GUIDE i'll teach you how to successfully execute this method step-by-step -
1) Go to directory where your file is present.
1) Go to directory where your file is present.
2) Select the file location which is present at top of the screen.
3) Clear every thing and write cmd and click enter.
4) The cmd.exe window will appear. Now write the command line " attrib +h +r +s the file name" and click enter.
( p.s- There should be no space in the file name, it should be one complete word For e.g: "Newfolder" will work, but "New folder" wont work.)
After you click enter your file will hide automatically. Just refresh the page once if it doesnt hide.
And when you have to unhide the file, type this command in the cmd.exe window "attrib -h -r -s the file name" and click enter.
In this way you can hide and unhide files using the command prompt method!!